November 19, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
1 comment

A New App by Facebook : Facebook Groups App

Facebook is an one of the most popular social networking sites. Most of all people use Facebook not only for personal use but also to share the news in pages, help others in groups and much more.. A long time ago Facebook released "Pages Manager" to manage pages straight from your Android or iOS Smart Phones. And now its time to get a step ahead.. Guess what? Facebook introduces a Similar App like Pages Manager called Facebook Groups which may be called as Groups Manager.

Most People Use Facebook and Groups to be in contact with Friends, Family, Closed ones and Now a days most use to share what they know and to get what they don't know..

So A few Hours ago Facebook Introduced an App "Facebook Groups" which makes easier for any one to manage and be in time, Active in their groups i.e., on real time.. Its for Both Android as well as iOS Smart Phones..

Once you Install it you will see all the Groups you joined at one place.. The top most groups are the froups you recently used and all others will be through.. Also the Groups notification will be marked as bubbles in blue. You can add members easily and can also view who are active or online at the present time.

You can easily Create a New Groups and Discover the Existing Groups.

You can Find Facebook Groups App on Google Play Store and iOS App Store..

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Manjunath.G (MJN) is a Blogger, web designer and developer .. He has a passion towards Programming , Web designing and also he loves Technology..


  1. Facebook deliver best app which is effective for users. As a web app developer, I like this article and get more knowledge from this page.


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